written by John Allen, 28. February 2014
The new security setting implemented by OpenText in the 11.x version of RedDot are causing problems for a few people. Unless your RedDot servers are public facing (probably not in most cases) you can safely disable the cross site scripting and session checking code.
Because they can prevent various plugins and extensions from working properly.
Edit \OpenText\WS\MS\Web\Navigation\web.config and comment out or remove the line:
<add name="HttpSessionModule" type="OpenText.WS.MS.Interop.Security.HttpSessionModule,OpenText.WS.MS.Server.Ui"/>
Edit \OpenText\WS\MS\ASP\web.config and comment out or remove the following:
<add name="AntiCsrfModule" type="OpenText.WS.MS.Core.Security.Csrf.AntiCsrfModule,OpenText.WS.MS.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9763136D9E6661AD"/>
Source: RedDot 11.x new security settings
© copyright 2014 by John Allen