  • RedDot CMS Blog
  • 26.04.2017
  • EN

rdb: RedDot UI: Check Filename

Here is yet another user interface extension for you: Assigning file names in RedDot can be a bit tricky – if you choose the same name twice and both pages are published to the same directory, one file overwrites the other (depending on which file gets published first). This extension allows you to check for duplicate file names.

The setup is quite easy:

  1. Install the extension and put its link into your masterpages (documentation is included in the archive)
  2. Assign a filename to your current page
  3. Click the “Check Filename” link to see if the name has already be taken.

That’s all, folks!


With Version 1.1, there are two different operation modes: A HTML popup (default) and a direct text output for AJAX calls. Additionally, you can also check if the given file name is valid (contains only chars, numbers, hyphens, underscores and periods) – no spaces, umlauts or other characters a web server might have problems with.



The latest / original version can be downloaded/forked at GitHub.

About the author:

Frederic Hemberger / Freelance Web-Developer & Consultant
Focusing on JavaScript, Node.js & web front-end. Interested in web-security, software architecture, DevOps, microservices, Docker, performance, accessibility.

Note: In the near future, we will provide a revised version of this tool. Which is then adapted and tested for Release 16.





