by: Diego Vergara
Even though Live Server comes integrated with Verity as a search engine, it is possible to use Google Search Appliance (GSA) as a search engine on a Live Server site.
The Advantages we have for using GSA are:
Now how would we pass the request to GSA. First GSA lives in a separated server which will be connected to Live Server by, if possible, a gigabit infrastructure.
GSA is nothing more than a web application that gets http requests and based on the parameters returns an html or xml response.
Knowing this, to integrate GSA with Live server we will need to create a dynament which will include the xml response from GSA and then format with a traditional xslt similar to the ones we use for the rest of the site.
So in brief the steps to integrate GSA will be:
Note: For your query you will need to replace the ip address to your GSA server ip address.
<dynaments-GsaSearch> <rde-dm:attribute mode="write" source="request" attribute="gsaHost" value="" /> <rde-dm:include tag="generalResults" content="http://[#request:gsaHost#]/search?q=[#request:param#].encode()&output=xml&client=default_frontend&site=default_collection&filter=0" rde-id="01"/> </dynaments-GsaSearch>
Source: OpenText™ Web Solutions Delivery Server / LiveServer and Google Search Appliance (GSA)
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