  • Thomas Pollinger
  • 02.07.2018
  • DE/EN

OpenText™ Web Site Management (RedDot CMS) Server und Delivery (Live) Server Updates

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es gibt neue Updates in der OpenText™ Knowledge Base. Hier sind die Release Notes zu der neuen Version.

Der Download erfolgt direkt über das OpenText™ Knowledge Center und für den Management (RedDot CMS) Server bzw. Delivery (Live) Server gibt es folgende Updates:

OpenText™ Web Site Management Server Release 16.0

New Features

  1. Support of the FILESTREAM feature of SQL Server for Asset folder only. The FILESTREAM feature of SQL Server allows storing assets on NTFS filesystems separate from the database to reduce costs, and improves performance when working with assets that have large file sizes.
  2. For folders of type Asset folder, a data format can now be chosen for each attribute. The following data types are available:
    1. Text. Standard text format, this is the default.
    2. Date. Attributes of the date format can be easily edited with a date picker in the Asset folder user interface.
    3. Date and time. Similar to the date format, but instead of a date picker, a date and time picker appears and time information is stored in addition to the date

In Asset folders you can choose to limit the search results to assets that have a date or date and time attribute set to a certain date or date range.

  1. New publishing job - Publish all modified and related pages - that will publish all pages of the project that were affected by changes since the last time this job had been run. Only one publication job of this type can exist at a time. After one job has been created and while it exists, the option is disabled when creating or editing publication jobs. See Known issues for limitations. The following fixed issues are related to this:
    1. In Management Server ver 11.2.2 when publishing a single page, with 'Publish Related Pages' checked it finds close to 400 'More than 100 affected pages found for <GUID>' and it publishes over 5,000 files (ITSM 2981524)
    2. Publishing with related pages results in hundreds of seemingly unrelated pages being published (ITSM 3077516)
  2. For the Conditional workflow reaction, a new condition criterion Page exists in is added. This criterion checks if a page exists in one specific language variant of the project.
  3. The 3rd party library ImageMagick used by Management Server is updated to version 7.0.x, see Known issues for important changes.
  4. Web Compliance Integration requires HTTPS communication by default. With Management Server 16.0 SP3 it is recommended to use a secure HTTPS communication with the Web Compliance integration.

Fixed Issues in 16.0 Service Pack 3 (Build

Issue Description Scope
WSM-107 Wrong section description or typo in RQL index documentation for "FILEINFO" (ITSM 3297173)
WSM-138 Empty sections in RQL documentation (16.0.1) (ITSM 3297137)
WSM-161 Cannot use 'delete url' from unlinked pages in Customers project (ITSM 3099954)
WSM-275 'Check URLs' asynchronous process does not display information in the asynchronous queue (ITSM 3307798)
WSM-277 Search not working properly for child asset folders (ITSM 3305107)
WSM-283 MS - Publishing process can be started even with no "project variant" or "language variant" selected (ITSM 3309367, 3311162)
WSM-328 TREE ERROR#13, Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid (ITSM 3314576)
WSM-345 In Management Server - Page import lacks user-entered values on option lists but a GUID is there instead (ITSM 3043286)
WSM-346 Management Server - SmartTree - Database connection cache doesn't update when we modify the db connection in Server manager (ITSM 2889691)
WSM-349 PrepareTemplateVariantElements: ERROR#13, Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid (ITSM 3061225)
WSM-351 In Management Sever - Browsers other than IE don't respect the maximum number of characters set for the SF element (ITSM 3059887)
WSM-361 SQL syntax error querying string for Hit List Database Content Element (ITSM 2750639)
WSM-362 Management Server - The Project Report unnecessarily contains the complete exception in the .xml file (ITSM 3017131)
WSM-366 "Adopt content from clipboard" information message not consistent across element types (ITSM 3091245)
WSM-374 Management Server - Inconsistent report ordering in project reports (ITSM 3017131)
WSM-375 Blank folder selection window in text element when uploading files to Asset Manager folders containing folder authorization packages and sub-folders (ITSM 3057958, 3075872)
WSM-380 Deleting a dynamic link results in "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception (ITSM 3282811)
WSM-382 "Full control" checkbox does not work for "Replace content class for all pages" (ITSM 3094333)
WSM-387 Incorrect classification for database concurrency violation on IO_GEN table in log file (ITSM 3277302)
WSM-391 Permissions issue in authorization packages for page definitions (ITSM 3040769)
WSM-397 Editor window unresponsive after using the "Edit all language variants" option for the default text of a text element (ITSM 3090202)
WSM-398 Inconsistency regarding CRLF and LF together in one page (ITSM 2744674)
WSM-399 No Server Manager module available when user hasn't any user specific right in server manager (ITSM 2760536)
WSM-416 Searching in Asset Folder for files with an underscore in the file name does not work (ITSM 3320890)
WSM-417 After expanding a page in SmartTree the headline becomes blank (ITSM 3320033)
WSM-423 Typo in 'ASYNCQUEUE save' query in RQL Documentation 16.0 SP2 (ITSM 3088564)
WSM-519 Background element has not been removed from RQL documentation (ITSM 3326168)
WSM-523 Translations in the content element of the content classes are lost when switching from one language variant to another (ITSM 3327303)
WSM-541 Masterpage not in NavigationIndex: GetPathArray().Length returns 1 (ITSM 3326358)
WSM-599 Inconsistency in the 'Not visible on published page' documentation for different element types (ITSM 3341601)
WSM-600 Timing issue while accessing the navigation cache leading to a "The given key was not present in the dictionary" error (ITSM 3337947)
WSM-604 RQL documentation for setting linking and appearance schedules (ITSM 3340355)
WSM-622 Management Server - Denying Content Class authorization results in blank list of Content Class for page creation selection (ITSM 3341795)
WSM-626 Tidy warnings in publishing report are missing line breaks (ITSM 3353888)
WSM-628 Update to include where to find sample projects if importing after installation already completed (ITSM 3356786)
WSM-631 Management Server - OTMM Bridge "No Documents available about changes in Bridge" (ITSM 3355770, 3742637)
WSM-636 Publication can fail or produce cluster error messages if multiple publication threads tries to delete the page cache (ITSM 3360611)
WSM-654 Configurations in Meta elements are lost in child project. (ITSM 3366731)
WSM-655 Using a clipboard link to locate a page shows it in the incorrect location. (ITSM 3365051)
WSM-665 Error message does not contain affected page GUID (ITSM 3361500)
WSM-710 In "User Setting" the "Set Password" field still appears editable even if disabled in Server Manager (ITSM 3371459)
WSM-712 View set of Special Pages in SmartTree (Unlinked pages or Recycle Bin) is not limited (e.g. 200 max) all the time. (ITSM 3039438)
WSM-726 Bug: Element type "Frame" gives untidy HTML-Markup (ITSM 3300407)
WSM-731 In the ioRD.asp file the 'LINK' start tag and the end tag of 'IODATA' do not match (ITSM 3379662)
WSM-734 Anchor or info element of type url will result in an error during publication if a project variant change has been defined but variant does no longer exists (ITSM 3373906, 3379731)
WSM-745 Uncaught Windows Event exception on w3wp.exe (ITSM 3386345, 3386521)
WSM-801 REST API documentation - $type parameters are sometimes required but don't appear in documentation
WSM-802 REST API - AssetFolderRestApi example plug-in must be updated for 16 SP2 and higher
WSM-819 Increase hard-coded asset file size limit from 1 GB to 2,000 MiB (about 2 GB) for Asset folder
WSM-835 Moving assets based on a search fails, if asset of sub folders has to be moved (ITSM 3409490)
WSM-836 Management Server - Web Compliance Manager evaluation fails with error message: "Processing of evaluation response failed. Check server log files for more details." (ITSM 3390701)
WSM-860 Asset folder: Exception gets logged when uploading or importing non-image file (ITSM 3411914)
WSM-870 Loss of the publishing folder in the child project if an asset manager is converted in the master project.
WSM-875 Creating an asset link in CKEditor uses the GUID rather than the file name for the link text if the asset is selected from an Asset folder (ITSM 3411881)
WSM-879 The page is published without assets, if the asset is moved from one sub folder to another one (ITSM 3411944)
WSM-892 "Saving the asset as a copy failed" error when trying to save/copy an asset over a slow network (ITSM 3416902)
WSM-898 Asset folder UI sometimes uses %2F instead of / in URL, thereby confusing reverse proxies
WSM-905 Opening details view of PDFs in Asset folder results in wsms.log warning (ITSM 3424084)
WSM-918 Once the page is deleted, the condition in the workflow reaction is not working (ITSM 3424067)
WSM-921 After the conversion to asset folder, authorization package is lost (ITSM 3425975)
WSM-962 Details on editor features unavailable via DirectEdit (ITSM 3437991)
WSM-987 Staging package dialogs don't display if package file size exceeds Int32 (ITSM 3429627)
WSM-990 [Doc] Port 2880 not mentioned in installation guide for spell check requirement (ITSM 3736401)
WSM-1080 RQL "load ELT / list SELECTIONS" not listing option list if provided GUID is in a content class (ITSM 3742581)
WSM-1090 Broken links at Web Compliance Manager docs
WSM-1101 Management Server - Page export and import from a master project breaks the folder share of Asset Manager folders with child projects (ITSM 3742052)
WSM-1111 Select content class' option in Find & Replace is not functioning (ITSM 3739995)


OpenText™ Web Site Management Delivery Server Release 16.0

New Features

  1. Redundant database structure dialog to browse and filter the content items and attributes of each redundant database structures within your project.
  2. The Apache Solr search integration supports Apache SolrCloud to set up a cluster of Solr servers that combines fault tolerance and high availability.

Fixed Issues in 16.0 Service Pack 3 (Build

Issue Description Scope
WSM-148 Delivery Server - Copy Content "Name" field has inconsistent character length functionality. (ITSM 3299458)
WSM-409 Delivery Server - 16 SP2 WAR deployment show full list of error in the "Display Log file" but does not record in the rde.log. (ITSM 3318774)
WSM-591 Wrong values in cluster configuration for DS WAR deployment. (ITSM 3318917)
WSM-641 RDB DynaMent in statement mode does not support DB-insert. (ITSM 3357526)
WSM-777 Issue including external content on trigger of an 'attribute changed' event. (ITSM 3351920)
WSM-897 Unable to assign a 2nd java-method to the delete-event on Delivery Server in vs 16. (ITSM 3390561)
WSM-901 In Delivery Server missing validating and formatting rule is not leading to an error when log levels are at default. (ITSM 3417328)
WSM-961 DS: Installer refers to Windows service using wrong service name.
WSM-988 Button cursor with hover style.
WSM-1110 In Delivery Server 'Edit Selected Users' fails silently. (ITSM 3746569)




Über den Autor:
Thomas Pollinger

... ist Senior Site Reliability Engineer bei der Vodafone GmbH in Düsseldorf. Seit dem Jahr 2007 betreut er zusammen mit seinen Kollegen die OpenText- (vormals RedDot-) Plattform Web Site Management für die deutsche Konzernzentrale.

Er entwickelt Erweiterungen in Form von Plug-Ins und PowerShell Skripten. Seit den Anfängen in 2001 (RedDot CMS 4.0) kennt er sich speziell mit der Arbeitweise und den Funktionen des Management Server aus.





