One problem I have always encountered with RedDot is debugging the pre-executed script blocks. Fortunately Gavin Cope came up with this superb solution which also has the benefit of moving the pre-executed files out of the main RedDot folder.
I have added to Gavin’s work by:
To create a HTML file for the error change the call to WriteToFile with the code below. Note, I have also changed the path for the PreExecute folder.
WriteToFile "C:\Websites\PreExecute\Logs\PreExecuteErrors_" & Year(Now) & Month(Now) & Day(Now) & _ ".html", " Date/Time: " & Now() & "<br />" & _ " ASP Code: " & objASPError.ASPCode & "<br />" & _ "ASP Description: " & objASPError.Description & "<br />" & _ " Category: " & objASPError.Category & "<br />" & _ " Column: " & objASPError.Column & "<br />" & _ " Description: " & objASPError.Description & "<br />" & _ " File: " & objASPError.File & "<br />" & _ " Line: " & objASPError.Line & "<br />" & _ " Number: " & objASPError.Number & "<br />" & _ " Source: " & objASPError.Source & "<br />" & _ "############################################################" & "<br />", True
For the list of errors create a new file in the PreExecute folder called ErrorList.asp and paste in the following script:
<% sDirectory = "/CMS/PreExecute/Logs/" sPath = Server.MapPath(sDirectory) Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set currentFolder = fso.GetFolder(sPath) Set fileList = currentFolder.Files %> <html> <head> <title>RedDot : PreExecuteErrors</title> </head> <body> <h1>List of files</h1> <ul> <% For Each file in fileList %> <li><a href="<%= sDirectory & file.Name %>"><%= file.Name %></a></li> <% Next %> </ul> </body> </html> <% Set fileList = Nothing Set currentFolder = Nothing Set fso = Nothing %>
Again, thanks to Gavin for a great bit of lateral thinking which make template development much simpler.
Now if someone can create a plug-in so we can create templates in something other than a web browser, that would be superb.