Have you recently tried adding a red dot inside of a render tag? Chances are (100% chance) the code below will stop the render tag code inside the template from working.
Red dots inside a render tag - currently buggy. Can we fix this? Yes we can :)
The problem is that OpenText has changed the mechanism on how to represent a RedDot dot in the script code which caused the XML parser working differently as before. Here’s a workaround a friendly helper from OpenText recently shared with me to get this working:
Based on the parser change, there is a way to replace "//<![CDATA[" and "//]]>" code within the RenderTags.
You need to modify the main.config file, which is locating at ASP folder (%OpenText WSM Install directory%\WS\MS\ASP).
Insert these two new replacement instructions into the main.config file:
This piece of code has to be inserted into at the beginning of the <Configuration> <Rendering> <Preparse> <SpotParse> block, eg:
Save the main.config file (make sure you backup the original one), then restart the RedDot CMS Services to let the changes take effect.
As always try this one your testing environment first. Good luck and godspeed.
Update: Since 11.2.2 it will be possible to insert directly the RedDots into RenderTags :) Thanks to Mirka for this update! :)