  • GitHub
  • 20.07.2017
  • DE/EN

Plug-Ins: "Transfer Descriptions"

Title: Transfer Descriptions

Compatibility: 7.5.x


  • This plugin transfers the RedDot description texts from one interface language to another, therefore it's split into two components: The first part reads all RedDot descriptions from each placeholder of every template and stores it into an XML file. This can be used for translation. Afterwards, the second component writes these settings back to a different user interface language.


  • In SmartTree

Developed by:  Frederic Hemberger 

Download: Solution Exchange GitHub

Screenshots: n/a


By Frederic Hemberger ⋅ December 10, 2009

You might know the problem: You carefully edited all RedDot description texts (showing up as tooltips) in all of your templates and your client says: “I can’t see any descriptive texts, it’s all cryptic hdl_page and stuff.” Next you find out that your client uses a different interface language for his CMS user … are all these hours of entering texts totally wasted?

Fear not, my fellow CMS developer, with this plugin you can easily transfer RedDot descriptions into another language variant, either directly or translating them first. Therefore it’s splitted into two components: The first part reads all RedDot descriptions from each placeholder of every template and stores it into an XML file. This can be used for translation. Afterwards, the second component writes these settings back to a different user interface language.





