Title: Delete Unlinked Pages
Compatibility: 7.5.x ++
Developed by: Kim Dezen
Updated by: OpenText Usergroup e.V.
Download: Solution Exchange GitHub
Screenshots: n/a
By Kim Dezen ⋅ July 22, 2009
Apart from creating brand new RedDot CMS projects, having worked for a digital agency also gives me the opportunity to work with existing clients to overhaul existing projects (as the client’s needs/goals change over time).
Quite often I find that whenever I need to update an existing project, the client may need to reposition certain pages to another area of the site (which is extremely easy to do thanks to SmartTree) or delete entire sections of pages as they are no longer needed.
Furthermore, from time to time, I might use an existing project as ‘base’ for a new one if they both share similar templates/functionality. To do this I simply copy and re-import the project and delete the majority of the site pages leaving behind a ’skeleton’ site structure to work from.
So getting to the point of telling you all of this…
Deleting multiple pages from a project can be very time consuming – and I tend to do it quite often!!!
To remove unwanted pages from a project, you either have two options:
Unlike deleting individual pages (which are automatically moved to the recycle bin), disconnected pages are moved into the ‘unlinked pages’ area where they can be connected back into the project when selecting the ‘connect to existing page’ option. You don’t want users connecting in pages that were once created for a previous project!!
Sure, you can then delete pages that are in the unlinked pages section – but once again, you have select each page individually before you can delete them using the ‘Delete Unlinked Pages Selected in Clipboard’ option.
This plugin enables you to delete all pages that are listed under the unlinked pages section without the need to copy each page individual to the clipboard before deleting. It should save you a lot of time deleting pages (especially if the site has hundreds or even thousands of unwanted pages).
To use this plugin:
To install the plugin: