• OpenText™ | Blogs
  • 29.11.2016
  • EN

OpenText™ "Sleeping Through Mobilegeddon (or What to do After the Apocalypse)"

Yesterday, April 21st (2015), Google updated its search ranking to give preference to mobile-friendly sites for smartphone and tablet queries -– a move that has been dubbed “”Mobilegeddon”” in the media. As a result, according to Google, if your site’ pages aren’’t mobile-friendly, there may be a significant decrease in mobile traffic from Google Search.” The knock-on effect of this, of course, is a higher cost of customer acquisition as businesses use paid search to make up for lost traffic.

The impact could potentially be quite severe as, depending on industry, location, and whose statistics you believe, 30%-60% of traffic is via a mobile device these days. Of course, if your site is not mobile friendly, and you’’re not seeing a negative impact, it could be that potential customers have been avoiding your site all along, because it is mobile-unfriendly.

Having had a play with Google’’s Mobile Friendly Test, a surprising number of brands seem to have slept through Mobilegeddon and still possess sites that, at least according to Google’’s tool, are not mobile-friendly.

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