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One of the many ways to achieve LDAP SSO using Delivery Server 10.1

written by Miss Integration, 23. Mai 2011

Have you ever tried to Single Sign-On LDAP users into Delivery Server projects? Last week I was looking for a quick and easy method, with special assistance from Tim Davis (and thank you!), here I am documenting the steps to achieve this.

My solution can be explained in the simple diagram below:

As you can read from the diagram, I am using .NET to read the user name, format my own digest string, and then include hash value as one of the request parameters in the URL before getting redirected to Delivery Server by ISAPI. Once the request has traveled to Delivery Server, I can then use the username provided in the URL, compute and compare the hash values; if the hash values match then I can use dynament code to login the user automatically using the trusted mode.

Step 1 – writing  .NET code

This one is easy, very straight forward; a few variables, one function, one redirect.

At the end of the Page_Load, I redirect the user request to a virtual directory I made up with the same name as the Delivery Server project name (just to make the URL user friendly).

Step 2 – Configure the lovely ISAPI

As many of you know, ISAPI is used to redirect traffic from IIS to Apache. Depending on the complexity of your project, redirect rules need to be defined in the ISAPI config file. I am not going into too much details about setting this up because there are many materials out there you can ask Mr. GOOGLE for.

Windows authentication is definitely required here.

A Quick Overview at where we are at so far

We have two parameters in the request variable, one is the hash value produced by my function in .NET, and the other one is the user id in clear text. We now need to confirm that the hash value is correct; since MD5 is a hash value and can’t be reverted back to it’s original string, we need to produce our own hash value using dynament code and compare the values that way.  In order to get the hash value using MD5, a validation rule needs to be set up in Delivery Server, and this is what we will do in the step 3.

Step 3 – Set up Validation Rule on Delivery Server

Delivery Server allows customized rules to be defined via Admin Console.

In my dummy project, I created a rule using GetDigest with MD5 (SHA is also available)

Step 4 – Dynaments

Now we have the validation rule ready, we can start developing our dynament code.

1. Format the digest string


2. Read Token Value

I had some problems with the value being cached during testing but not appearing in the object cache listing; this is just a workaround for the value to be read on every page refresh.


 3. Compare hash values

Here is where we compare the hash values and decide whether we can automatically log-in the user. This algorithm can be extended to check whether the user is already logged on, and included in your normal login XML.

That is it! I believe there are other ways to achieve the same result, so please feel free to provide some feedback and your experience :)

Source: One of the many ways to achieve LDAP SSO using Delivery Server 10.1

© copyright 2011 by Shelly MaoMiss Integration





