Taming the beast that Open Text so frankly called ‘Web Solutions Management Server’ we have some pretty nice tools available since version 7.1. RenderTags are a quick and effective way to create navigation elements like this breadcrumb navigation below.
RenderTags <reddot:cms> <if> <query valuea="Context:CurrentIndex.Id" operator="==" valueb="Context:LastIndex.Id"> <htmltext> <li class="last"><%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Headline !!%></li> <% currentDepth = <%!! Context:CurrentDepth !!%> %> </htmltext> </query> <query type="else"> <if> <query valuea="Context:CurrentIndex.Id" operator="==" valueb="Context:FirstIndex.Id"> <htmltext> <li><a class="first" href="<%!! Context:CurrentIndex.GetUrl() !!%>" title="<%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Headline !!%>"><%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Headline !!%></a> / </li> <navigation:nextlevel> </htmltext> </query> <query type="else"> <htmltext> <li><a href="<%!! Context:CurrentIndex.GetUrl() !!%>" title="<%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Headline !!%>"><%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Headline !!%></a> / </li> <navigation:nextlevel> </htmltext> </query> </if> </query> </if> </reddot:cms>
A pretty nice piece of code. It creates a breadcrumb navigation with several CSS class names, giving you many options to style the whole thing very detailed.