  • OpenText™ | Blogs
  • 03.09.2019
  • EN

OpenText™ "Why do user experience intelligence and automation matter in the enterprise?"

The life of a marketer can be exciting and inspiring. From major product launches to creating new collateral to attending conferences around the world, marketing and creative professionals get to do a lot of incredible work.

But it can also be a busy and hectic life. Most marketers are juggling multiple projects and deadlines, working with multiple people across different departments and trying to navigate often complex approval processes – all while delivering new and eye-catching content.

With the latest update to OpenText™ Media Management (OTMM), we help give marketers a more balanced  life and ease their daily toil, one task at a time. OpenText Release 16 Enhancement Pack 5 (EP5) for OTMM builds on the momentum of the Media Management platform introduced in Release 16. OTMM Release 16 increased productivity and business agility with improvements to accelerate and simplify the creation-to-consumption information flow for digital assets. Additionally, with each subsequent release we have delivered easy to use tools to streamline the asset life-cycle and the review-approval process with expanded mobile device support and UX improvements. We also introduced a new dynamic media delivery service (Advanced Media Delivery) to provide integrated, adaptive and responsive publishing of assets for multi-channel experiences.


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