• RedDot CMS Blog
  • 08.02.2017
  • EN

rdb: Breadcrumb Navigation With RenderTags

Taming the beast that Open Text so frankly called ‘Web Solutions Management Server’ we have some pretty nice tools available since version 7.1. RenderTags are a quick and effective way to create navigation elements like this breadcrumb navigation below.

		<query valuea="Context:CurrentIndex.Id" operator="==" valueb="Context:LastIndex.Id">
				<li class="last"><%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Headline !!%></li>
					currentDepth = <%!! Context:CurrentDepth !!%>
		<query type="else">
				<query valuea="Context:CurrentIndex.Id" operator="==" valueb="Context:FirstIndex.Id">
						<li><a class="first" href="<%!! Context:CurrentIndex.GetUrl() !!%>" title="<%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Headline !!%>"><%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Headline !!%></a> / </li>
				<query type="else">
						<li><a href="<%!! Context:CurrentIndex.GetUrl() !!%>" title="<%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Headline !!%>"><%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Headline !!%></a> / </li>

A pretty nice piece of code. It creates a breadcrumb navigation with several CSS class names, giving you many options to style the whole thing very detailed.

Embed this in your project

  1. Put it in a separate template
  2. Create a container (for example ‘con_breadcrumb’) in your MasterPage(s)
  3. Create ONE instance of the breadcrumb template in the container inside the homepage template (you don’t need to place the container in the HTML of your homepage it’s just a good place to store unique project wide pages)
  4. Reference the ‘con_breadcrumb’ container in your homepage page to all MasterPage templates (and if required to all already exisiting pages – thankfully there is a plugin available from Open Text for this, just ask them!)






