  • Archiv
  • 17.11.2017
  • EN

Ankündigung: OpenText™ Webinar: "Magellan Part 6: Machine learning - Magellan for business optimization"


Topic: Magellan Part 6: Machine learning - Magellan for business optimization
Program: OpenText Live
Date and Time: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 11:00 am, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)
Duration: 1 hour 
Description: At Enterprise World 2016, we made some predictions about the 6th season of the TV series “A Game of Thrones”. These weren’t based on visions of three-eyed ravens, but on Twitter data - millions of fans speaking, commenting, making opinions worldwide about GoT’s characters, plot twists, themes, cliffhangers, and (of course) gruesome deaths. We did the same at Enterprise World 2017 for the shortened 7th season, which ends in August 2017. Now we’ll revisit these predictions using Magellan, and see what insights it can derive for us from social media about the 8th and final season.

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